10 minutes of your time.

An entire company’s worth of insights.

Engagement Surveys

From the 10 minutes it takes you to complete you recieve all of the following:

Your team's honest feedback in the 10 key areas of Employee Engagement.

Recognition, Feedback, Happiness, Personal Growth, Satisfaction, Wellness, Ambassadorship, Relationship with Manager, Relationship with Peers, and Alignment.

Further insights from your team highlighting what you’re amazing at and what could be that little bit better.

A 1:1 review session with our Directors.

A bespoke action plan to level up your business.

Why run an Engagement Survey?

  • Gauge and enhance overall workplace satisfaction.

  • Increase productivity, and organisational success.

  • Increase buy-in by obtaining valuable feedback from employees.

  • Identify quick wins that lead to extra discretionary efforts.

  • Enhance communication across the business.

  • Retain top talent by understanding what keeps your employees engaged.

Employees working together to solve a problem. Engagement Surveys gather insights from across your business to inform business decisions.

If you’re not sure that an engagement survey is right for you or you have a need to customise your survey questions to address your burning desires press the big orange button below.

If you’d prefer just drop us an email to start the conversation: colin@humaneverything.co.uk