Wyre Forest Business Book Club

The last Wednesday of each month, 6 - 7.30pm.

Kidderminster, £15.00 (ex.VAT)

What is the Wyre Forest Business Book Club?

We are a group of business owners based in the Wyre Forest who love to read business and development books but struggle to get through the well intentioned but ever-growing pile!

Meeting on a monthly basis helps hold us accountable to getting through some key reading.

Keeping it relaxed, friendly and sociable means we get to meet with other like-minded business owners in our area and have a good time.

When and Where do we Meet?

We meet on the last Wednesday of each month (except December - it’s Christmas innit.)

Regus, Stourport Road, Kidderminster, DY11 7QE.

There is car parking available on site.

Book Club opens it’s doors at 6.00pm and runs until approximately 7.30pm.


What Happens at Book Club?

From 6.00pm there will be refreshments and nibbles available to help keep our energy up.

At 6.15pm we open our book discussion. With facilitation from Colin and Lucy we will hold a conversation about the book we have covered - what we all thought about it, what our takeaways and key ideas were and generally share what we all thought.

Even if you haven’t managed to get through the whole book (or read it at all!), it’s great to come and hear what other people took from their reading and how we can use what we have learned in real life.

At 7.30pm we wrap up and let you know what the next book will be.

How Do I sign Up?

We are limited to 15 places only so please register here to secure your spot!

The cost to attend is £15.00 per visit (plus VAT).

Quick maths - that’s £18.00 including the VAT.

Payment is taken on the day when you arrive via card payment - you’ll be emailed a VAT receipt to keep your accountant happy.

You are welcome to just turn up, however if you could register your initial interest on the orange button we’d appreciate it - we’ll add you to the communications list so you’ve got all the latest book club news and make sure we leave you some nibbles on the night.

The Wyre Forest Business Book Club is managed, facilitated and hosted by Human Everything Ltd.

A percentage of our membership costs will be donated to help support young people at risk of homelessness in the Wyre Forest area, via Nightstop and Mediation.

The cost covers the venue and the nibbles and you’ll need to source the book separately - this gives you the flexibility to either get a hard copy or audio copy - we try to make sure all our selections are available via Audible. We usually get our copy from World of Books or Abe Books.

January - Brené Brown’s “Braving the Wilderness”.

February - “The Way of the Tortoise” by Matt Little.

March - Jory Fleming’s “How to be Human”.

April - “Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling” by Edgar Schein.

May - Patrick Lencioni’s “The Ideal Team Player”.

June - “Be Useful - 7 Tools for Life” by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

July - “Traction” by Gino Wickman.

August - Catherine Williamson’s “Gobsmacked”.

September - Matthew Syed’s “Rebel Ideas”.

October - “How to be Confident” by James Smith.

November - “Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know” by Adam Grant.

December - No book club this month.